Nightclub Insurance

We understand that getting cover for your venue can be a difficult process, especially with the rise of claim coming through from patrons who choose not to accept responsibility for their own actions. At Bluewell Insurance Brokers we understand all to well the issues from both the owner and the Security sides of serving alcohol. With experience in dealing with claims and helping you with risk minimisation, we can help you keep your doors open and help with keeping your venue a pleasant and safe place for your patrons to go to.

Nightclub Insurance is essential for all businesses that want to operate a nightclub, we offer covers such as


  • Nightclub Public Liability Insurance
  • Property cover
  • Theft cover
  • Business interruption cover
  • Management Liability

Whilst at a bar the other day I discovered the new trend of smoke aromatising of drinks. What basically happens is a bar tender will use a portable gas burner, usually used for making dishes such as creme brulee, they will point the flame at a piece of wood at the bar and wait until the piece of timber just starts to ignite, then they will get a glass and put it over where the flame was. As an insurance broker I wondered if they had disclosed to their insurance company that this was their common practice. If there was a fire there could be a decline in the claim due to non-disclosure by the insured for something that could affect the insurers decision to insure them in the first place. These are the type of things a business owner may not think make a difference to the policy, but could actually make a huge difference to the outcome if a claim was ever made.

Imagine being declined your claim, if your business burns to the ground.

Talk to one of our brokers today to find the best cover for your venue, to insure that if the worst happens you are covered.


Call now 1300 669 664

