One of our experienced Bluewell brokers can help you find business equipment insurance to help protect your valuable business equipment. Start by using our online quote form, and we can begin finding the best quote for you.



What does Business Equipment Insurance Cover?

As the name says, business equipment insurance covers selected equipment used in your business. Depending on the business, the equipment can consist of some of the following:

  • Computers
  • Tools
  • Machinery
  • Electronic Equipment
  • Cash Registers
  • and more

The list can be endless, but if you are still unsure about what equipment can be covered, Bluewell can help. We have a great team of experienced brokers that are ready to answer your questions. Just give us a call during work hours, and we can get started. Alternatively, you can visit our contact page.

Is it recommended?

Yes, we highly recommend your business considers business equipment insurance. Especially equipment that is integral to your business. If a piece of equipment breaks down or is stolen, your business could slow down until you purchase a new piece of equipment.

Business equipment can protect your equipment with the following:

  • Equipment Damage
  • Theft
  • Breakdown
  • and more

If you are asking where to get covered, Bluewell works with Australia’s top insurance providers such as QBE, Steadfast, Vero and AIG to compare quotes and provide the best options for our customers.

If you are looking to purchase commercial Machinery or truck Insurance, try out our online quote form, and we can help you out!



