Concreters Insurance Australia

Concreters insurance policies are designed to suit the needs of those involved in the construction business. When running a construction business, you need to have many employees who are engaged in constructing simple buildings, skyscrapers and high bridges. This type of business comes with numerous risks that raise issues of high compensation that can cripple your business.

Risks facing concreters

It is important to note that the concreters’ risks may occur at the same time leading to millions worth compensation claims. Prepare yourself to handle the following risks by applying for a concreter’s insurance policy:

  • Construction equipment theft by employees or passersby near the construction site.
  • Employee getting injured or dying due to falls from a high height in the course of duty.
  • Injuries or death of the one or more members of the public when a wall of an unsecured job site collapses or an employee accidentally drops a tool that hits passersby.
  • A Wet and slippery floor may make the client trip and fall when inspecting the building.
  • Property damage by the employee on a construction site.
  • Loss of building materials such as cement through wastage by employees or theft.

Concreters insurance packages to protect your business

Protect your business from massive losses brought by claims in case a third party or employee is injured or dies on a construction site, damage of property or loss of equipment, with the insurance policies below:

Public liability

This insurance policy is vital and a must to have whether working on a construction site as a subcontractor or the owner of a construction firm. A public liability policy covers injuries or death of a third party caused by construction activities. Also, the policy provides compensation for the destruction of properties around the construction site.

Business interruption policy

This policy provides compensation for the business interruption that leads to loss of expected income. This may be caused by a breakdown of major construction equipment or any other unplanned incident that make the construction activity to stall.

Fidelity policy

When running a construction company you entrust tools, building materials and sometimes contingency funds to employees with a supervisory role. Misappropriation of funds, loss of building materials and tools is common. Fidelity policy helps in replacement of lost tools and funds without digging deep into your business savings.

Tips on getting the best concreters insurance policy. Getting the concreters insurance that covers all the needs of your construction firm or your activities as a sole concreter, is vital. Here are some tips on how to negotiate for the best policy cover:

  • Assess the risks involved in your job
  • Request for a free quote
  • Research online
  • Seek help from a reliable concrete insurance provider
