Criminal Conviction Insurance




If the conviction was for violence, fraud, property damage, trafficking, molestation, stalking you are obviously more of a risk to the companies we go to, so that will translate to you being un-insurable.
We can usually get public liability and sometimes business insurance, but only if you have had a minor offence not including the above mentioned charges, we cannot help out with any other insurances. With all other charges and insurances it is usually a minimum of 5 years before we can help.

Sometimes, life throws some difficult stuff in your path. A criminal conviction is never easy to handle, but what makes it worse is how unwilling people are to help you, as a result. Everyone needs insurance, but getting one when you’ve had a criminal conviction can prove to be an impossible task. Ironically, people don’t want to risk it, but they put you at risk, by not granting you insurance.

Bluewell Insurance Brokers have experience in handling all kinds of cases, including clients with prior criminal convictions. We do not discriminate between customers and we’re happy to help you get the insurance you need so that you can be protected, just like everyone else.
Most companies will turn you away, but we don’t judge you on your past, only your present. Everybody deserves a fresh, new start, and that is what we can give you, by granting you the security and protection you need, through insurance. Bluewell Insurance Brokers can generally help you after 5 years from your conviction so that you can start a new life.

What should you know about Criminal Conviction Insurance?

When you’ve had a criminal conviction, one of two things will usually happen: either companies will not grant you insurance, or they will, but the price is going to be really high. Insurance becomes more and more expensive if the risk you represent is higher. So, a lot of things will drive up the price, including a dangerous job, bankruptcy and yes, a criminal conviction.
The price of your insurance also depends on why you were convicted. Another thing you may want to keep in mind is that even the companies that do grant you Criminal Conviction Insurance may only be able to do so after some time has passed from your conviction. In the case of Bluewell Insurance Brokers and the underwriters we use it is five years.

Do you always need to declare your criminal convictions?

Generally speaking, you should always be honest with your insurer. Companies will ask you about your priors, and the best thing to do is tell the truth. Don’t withhold information – if you end up having insurance claims made against you, it will be discovered that you lied, and your coverage will become invalid. Then, you are stuck owing a lot of money and you’ll be in trouble. Expensive insurance is better than no insurance.

Bluewell Insurance Brokers wants to help you get your life back on track. We want to provide you with what you need to protect yourself and secure your financial future, in the case of accidents and other unfortunate situations.
Call us today to receive a quote or any other details about our Criminal Conviction Insurance. We will be more than happy to help you get the coverage you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bluewell Insurance Brokers is an insurance service to assist you in getting instant quotations for a vast number of occupations online.

Not all insurance is able to be quoted online, & in these cases we use one of our highly skilled insurance brokers to determine your requirements and go to the market to get you a price.

Go in and enter your occupation, you can use one of our pre-selected occupations or enter in your own. The system will determine if it can quote immediately or if it we need more information to get your quoting done.

If we have all of the correct information from you we can usually have a quote turned around in 24 hours. If we need more information we will contact you to get it.

Yes, we only use Australian approved insurers or approved underwriters who use Lloyds of London.

Yes, once confirmed payment has been received we can issue you with the certificate of currency, usually in 2 hours.

We can help in most cases with public liability insurance when you are a discharged bankrupt. This is not a guarantee that we can help.

We can help usually after 3 years of your conviction, this is not a guarantee that we can help. Learn more here

In most cases we can get you insurance if you have had a claim.
