Florist Business Insurance

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How do I get insurance for my Florist business?


Bluewell Insurance Brokers has made it easier then ever to get a Business insurance quote for your florist business. Click on the button that says “Click here for a business insurance quote” and it will take you to our business insurance quote page which will ask you various questions on your business such as location, business location and how much insurance you require. We will take your information and take it to numerous local insurance companies and sort out a competitive quote.


What type of insurance do I need for my florist business?


Most florist business’s have at a minimum fire insurance which covers you for storm damage and fire which can be for your building if you are responsible for inuring the building or your stock and contents, theft cover which covers you for burglary of your contents and stock and Public liability insurance.

Other covers you should consider for your florist insurance:

Glass cover: for any shop front you may have.

Business interruption cover: which covers you business for loss of income. Should your business burn to the ground you will get paid for loss of your income for the period of insurance that you select which is usually for 3 to 12 months.

Money cover: money cover will insure your florist business for theft of your money in different situations such as cash during and after business hours, money in a safe, money in transit, money in your residential home. You will need to specify where you need cover for.


What do I do if I need help with doing my Business insurance quote for my florist business?


If you need a hand call Bluewell Insurance Brokers on 1300 669 664 and one of our Insurance brokers will go over the phone to help you with any details you are unsure of.
