Pest Controllers Public Liability Insurance

OR CALL 1300669664

Do Pest controllers need Insurance for Public liability?

Pest controllers need Public liability for when they go on to a clients job site to pay for any damage they may be found legally liable for. Applying pesticides has a moderate risk in the eyes of an insurance company and they price this accordingly. Each state has it’s on way of licensing pest controllers and with most information being available on the Australian Pest Controllers Association website.

Can I get an Instant online quote for Public liability Insurance?

Yes we have insurance public liability insurance quotes available for pest controllers, just go on to our website via the public liability insurance quote page and put in your occupation occupation as pest controller pick your state and how much liability cover you require, for 5, 10  or 20 million public liability. If you have any concerns give us a call or complete our custom online liability quote section and we will get one of representatives to chase up a competitive quote for you.

I have just started out being a pest controller, can I get Public Liability insurance?

We will be able to find cover but we would not be able to give you an instant Liability quote. Our underwriter has specified for us to be able to offer you Public liability, you would need at least 2 years experience in the industry. By doing this it helps them to keep the cost down, so that claims are not made to the company by any person due to a lack of experience.

Bluewell Insurance Brokers also gives you access to Life and income protection insurance just ask one of our representatives or complete the form located here.


If you have any questions on Pest controller liability feel free to discuss it with us today, You can call us on 1300669664
