Public Liability Insurance Queensland

Queensland Public Liability Insurance.

If you need a public liability insurance quote, click on the button that says “Click here for a free public liability insurance quote”. This will get you to our page to get you a free public liability quote.
With our online quoting system. Quotes can be done in under 2 minutes for most occupations.

Living in Queensland definitely has its advantages when in comes to public liability insurance. Queensland insurance has some of the cheapest rates in the whole country. We pay a lot less for many occupation then say New South Wales or Victoria for example. This is due to the fact that Queenslanders make a lot less insurance claims on their public liability.

This is most probably because as Queenslanders we don’t feel the need to sue everybody every time we get a scratch and we take responsibility for our own actions. Also like it or not our government is a lot better, charging us less for stamp duty at only 7.5% to New South Wales 9% and Victoria’s 10%. Also feel lucky you don’t live in Victoria and New South Wales when it comes to property insurance, as the their state governments charge a Fires Service Levy (FSL). What this means is, what ever your home insurance costs for example add 80% to that price if you were to live in Victoria.

Public liability insurance Queensland.

With our Public liability insurance Queensland quotes, will be able to get an online Public liability quote for most occupations and request the cover to be started. If you need you Public liability insurance quote just select your state as Queensland put in your occupation and your estimated turn over for the next 12 months and you will get your Public liability insurance quote.

Call Bluewell Insurance Brokers today on 1300 669 664.
