As a Pool Builder, you are exposed to a significant risk of personal and employee injuries. We are here to protect your business with a tailored insurance solution to fit your unique needs.

Does your Pool Building business need Insurance?

Owning a pool building business can come with a lot of risks. The possibilities for issues during a job can’t be predicted. There are endless liabilities that could occur in the construction industry especially you and your employees. E.g. Injuries may occur to your employee which may be caused by falls from ladders or into an empty pool. Your business will be protected with pool building business insurances that are available.

Other examples also include:

  • Equipment breaking down
  • Theft
  • Public liabilities
  • Employee Injuries
  • Damage to property
  • and more…

What can Pool Builders Insurance cover?

We have worked with a few pool builder business before and we always recommend that they cover their business with some of the following:

If you are looking to find the best insurance for your business, Bluewell offers a free online quote that can help you find the right insurance for your business.

