Workcover For QLD & Public Liability Insurance

How do I get Workcover and Public liability insurance in Queensland?

To get your Public liability insurance QLD quote for Queenslanders click on the button called ” Click here for a public liability quote” this will take you to our online rating program and will get you a quick instant quote for most occupation. To get your quote for your Workcover insurance for Queensland please click on the link at the bottom of the page this will take you to the Workcover QLD website that will be able to assist you with your workers compensation insurance needs as we are unable to supply quotes for Workcover in Queensland.


I Don’t understand how Workcover works in QLD can you help me?


Workcover is run by the Queensland government and is unique in Australia in its handling of workers compensation insurance. You will need to call them and somebody will give you a price over the phone, this price is the only price you can get in Queensland and is not open for shopping it around in the market place.

Other states handle their workers compensation insurance in different ways for example if you are based in WA you can go to your insurance broker and get them to get you different quotes on your workers compensation insurance and the system is driven by price of each individual insurance company and their service they provide to their clients. In NSW the workers compensation insurance is only dealt with by the insurance companies direct to the public and each insurer is given the same rates in which to charge you for the insurance, so the major difference in this situation is the service that each individual insurance company provides to you as it is all going to be the same price at the end of the day.
